Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Recruitment 2016
Post Name :
1. PGT
2. TGTs
3. Primary Teacher
4. PGT (Computer Sc.)
5. Computer Instructor
6. Games & Sports Instructor
7. Dance Coach
8. Counselor
9. Yoga Teacher
10. Doctor
11. Nurse posts

1. PGT
2. TGTs
3. Primary Teacher
4. PGT (Computer Sc.)
5. Computer Instructor
6. Games & Sports Instructor
7. Dance Coach
8. Counselor
9. Yoga Teacher
10. Doctor
11. Nurse posts
Qualification :All Interested Candidates should have completed 12th, BE/B.Tech, B.A./B.SC.(Psychology), B. Sc./Diploma in Nursing, Graduation Degree, B.Ed, Master degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Board/University. For Post Wise Qualification Go To Detailed Advertisement.
Age Limit : Candidates Candidates upper age limit should not exceed 40 Years(Post 1,4), 35 Years(Post 2), 30 Years(Post 3) and Applicant age should be between 18 to 60 Years(Post 5-11) Age relaxations will be applicable as per the rules. For Postwise Age Details Go To DetailedAdvertisement.
Pay Scale : Rs. 27500/-(Post 1,4), Rs. 26250 /-(Post 2,5,8), Rs. 21250/-(Post 3), Rs. 1000/- per day(Post 10), Rs. 750/-per day(Post 11).
Selection Procedure : Interview
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